
How Soon is Now: Architectural Urbanism

How Soon is Now: Architectural Urbanism

How Soon is Now: Architectural Urbanism

1 Formal CPD Point

Available on demand


What is permanent, and what is the real lifecycle of a building? Nazrine Seraji discusses Design as Agency - architecture as a living agent using historical examples and her own projects to critically review the many approaches to urban planning from small towns to super cities and explores the relationship between public realm amenity and built form that is necessary for sustainable urbanism. 


This presentation is equivalent to 1 hour/point of formal CPD and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects:

2015 Competencies:

Design: Project Briefing 
1.4 Identification of factors that may impact on client project requirements and objectives.

Design: Pre-Design
2.1 Identification, analysis and integration of information relevant to siting of project.

Design: Conceptual Design
3.5 Exploration and application of ordering, sequencing and modelling of three dimensional form and spatial content.

Design: Schematic Design
4.2 Evaluation of design options against values of physical, environmental and cultural contexts.

2021 Competencies:

Project Initiation and Conceptual Design:
PC 18 Be able to apply creative imagination, design precedents, research, emergent knowledge and critical evaluation in formulating and refining concept design options, including the exploration of three dimensional form and spatial quality. 
PC 26 Be able to undertake site, cultural and contextual analysis as part of preliminary design research. 
PC 29 Be able to develop and evaluate design options in terms of the heritage, cultural and community values embodied in the site, and in relation to project requirements. 
PC 30 Be able to explore options for siting a project, including integrating information and analysis of relevant cultural, social and economic factors. 




Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session participants should be able to:

  • Describe how Urbanism relates to the practice of architecture
  • Use Nazrine Seraji’s French examples of housing and relate these to Australian architecture
  • List similarities between French and Australian Architectural Urbanism



    Atelier Seraji Architects and Associates 

    After studying at the Architectural Association and practising in London, Nasrine Seraji moved to Paris and, in 1989, established Atelier Seraji Architectes et Associés. Nasrine has completed several notable buildings, including the award-winning Temporary American Centre in Paris, apartment buildings in Vienna, student housing in Paris and an extension to the School of Architecture in Lille.

    Nasrine has received one of the highest honours in France, the Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur, as well as Chevalier des Arts et des Letters and Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite. In 2011, she was awarded the Medaille d’Argent by the French Academy of Architecture.






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    SONA Member



What Do I Do Next?

  1. Hit the “Take me to my course” green button in your confirmation email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
  2. You may have to log into the online CPD platform. You will be redirected to our members portal to log in with your credentials there, and redirected back to the online CPD platform once successfully logged in.
  3. Accept the T&Cs if it’s your first time on the online platform. And hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
  4. Undertake your course work at your own pace.
  5. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete your assessment and feedback, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.