
Passive House on the Rise

Passive House on the Rise

Passive House on the Rise

2 Formal CPD Points

Available on demand


Aesthetics, technicalities, collaboration and fundamentals of Passive House design. This event will explain the essentials of Passive House design and how aesthetics are integrated into the design. It will discuss a range of typologies and dissect the design processes and challenges from each of the building types.

The focus will be on educational, high rise and commercial projects, not residential. Finally, this session will address the technicalities that come with Passive House design and outline what a successful project looks like. 


This presentation is equivalent to 2 hour/point of formal CPD and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects:

2015 Competencies:

Design: Conceptual Design
3.2 Application of creative imagination, aesthetic judgement and critical evaluation in formulating design options.
3.3 Design response incorporates assessment of the physical location and relevant wider regional, contextual and environmental issues.

Design: Schematic Design
4.4 Inclusion of expertise of relevant specialists and consultants in developing the project design.
4.6 Investigation and integration of appropriate material selection for the project design.
4.7 Coordination and integration of appropriate environmental systems, including for thermal comfort, lighting and acoustics.

2021 Competencies:

Project Initiation and Conceptual Design:

PC 18 Be able to apply creative imagination, design precedents, research, emergent knowledge and critical evaluation in formulating and refining concept design options, including the exploration of three dimensional form and spatial quality. 
PC 29 Be able to develop and evaluate design options in terms of the heritage, cultural and community values embodied in the site, and in relation to project requirements. 
PC 33 Be able to investigate, coordinate and integrate sustainable environmental systems – including water, thermal, lighting and acoustics – in response to consultants’ advice. 

Detailed Design and Construction Documentation:
PC 36 Be able to apply creative imagination, design precedents, emergent knowledge, critical evaluation and continued engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to produce a coherent project design. This should be resolved in terms of supporting health and wellbeing outcomes for Country, site planning, formal composition, spatial planning and circulation as appropriate to the project brief and all other factors affecting the project. 
PC 39 Be able to integrate the material selection, structural and construction systems established in the conceptual design into the detailed design and documentation. 
PC 41 Be able to coordinate and integrate input from specialists and consultants into the detailed design and documentation. 
PC 45 Be able to nominate and integrate quality and performance standards with regard to selected materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, considering the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project. This includes integrating life cycle assessments and other expertise and advice from consultants. 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session participants should be able to:

  • Explain the essential design components of Passive House and what a successful project looks like
  • Understand how aesthetics are integrated into Passive House design
  • Identify opportunities & challenges of implementing Passive House Design in range of typologies
  • Identify specific technicalities relating to high rise/larger scale Passive House application



    Principal (Building Physics), Inhabit Group

    Darren leads the Building Physics (ESD) practice within Inhabit. Based in Melbourne, he is responsible for the growth and quality of Building Physics consulting services globally. Through an interest in thought leadership, rethinking the norm and improving the built environment, Darren has operated as a technical advisor at various levels, including historical advisory roles for the Vietnamese and Singapore government on energy efficiency legislation, and active advisory roles with Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), Climate Works, the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) and as acting Chairperson of the Australian Passive House Association (APHA).




    ESD Consultant, Aurecon

    Johanna is an ESD Consultant with Aurecon in Melbourne. Johanna has held roles as an architect, sustainability advisor and ESD consultant, which enables her to bring a diverse range of design, engineering and stakeholder engagement experience into every project. During 13 years local and international industry experience, she developed a keen eye for design cantered sustainability solutions. Johanna is a certified Passive House Designer with a great passion to establish this world leading energy performance and indoor comfort standard in Australia.






    Non Member


    SONA Member



What Do I Do Next?

  1. Hit the “Take me to my course” green button in your confirmation email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
  2. You may have to log into the online CPD platform. You will be redirected to our members portal to log in with your credentials there, and redirected back to the online CPD platform once successfully logged in.
  3. Accept the T&Cs if it’s your first time on the online platform. And hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
  4. Undertake your course work at your own pace.
  5. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete your assessment and feedback, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.