
DBP Act and Regulation - Where are we 12 Months on?

DBP Act and Regulation - Where are we 12 Months on?

Design and Building Practitioners Act and Regulation - Where are we 12 Months on?  

2 Formal CPD Points
Available online on demand



In this 2 point Formal CPD course facilitated by NSW Chapter President Laura Cockburn,  Building Commissioner David Chandler discusses the progress since June 2022 and direction of the NSW Building Reforms.  Matt Press,  Executive Director Compliance and Dispute Resolution, Safework and Fair Trading will provide a strategic update of next steps and Matt Whitton Director Building and Construction Compliance will discuss the learnings from the process of auditing Design Practitioners. This CPD provides essential information for all.


This presentation is equivalent to 2 hours/points of formal CPD and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2015:

Design: Conceptual Design
3.7 Assessment and integration of construction systems and materials consistent with project brief.

Design: Schematic Design
4.4 Inclusion of expertise of relevant specialists and consultants in developing the project design.
4.6 Investigation and integration of appropriate material selection for the project design.

Documentation: Detailed Design
5.3 Evaluation and integration of regulatory requirements.
5.4 Integration of structural and construction systems in resolved project design.
5.5 Integration of materials and components based upon an understanding of their physical properties.

Documentation: Documentation Project Delivery
6.1 Identification and adoption of a strategy, program and process of documentation integrated through all project stages to enable project delivery.
6.4 Timely completion and communication of accurate and comprehensible documents that will include, as required, drawings, models, specifications, schedules and other relevant modes of information.
6.7 Establishment of quality assurance systems to ensure consistency and completeness of project documentation in accordance with the requirement for the project brief, project timeframe and project budget.
6.8Project documentation is in accordance with, and appropriate to, the project contract and project procurement procedure.

Project Delivery: Construction Stage Practice Management
Selection process for appropriately qualified contractors is in accordance with procurement method and project contract.
Identification and application of the process and administration systems needed to fulfil all obligations under project contract.
Identification and application of appropriate and consistent systems for record keeping and maintenance of document revisions.

Practice Management
Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements and obligations in regard to architectural practice, practice management and registration as an architect.
Clear and consistent communication with client and relevant stakeholders throughout project.



This presentation is equivalent to 2 hours/points of formal CPD and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021:

Practice Management and Professional Conduct
PC 1 Comply with the regulatory requirements and obligations pertaining to practice as an architect, including legislation, professional codes of conduct, obligations for continuing professional development and professional indemnity insurance.
PC 6 Be able to apply appropriate processes for reporting and varying the scope of services provided by an architect.
PC 7 Apply and follow processes for clear and consistent communication with clients and relevant stakeholders throughout the project, including obtaining approvals from clients and stakeholders. 
PC 13 Be able to identify and apply strategies, programming and processes for documentation through all project stages to facilitate project delivery, as appropriate to selected procurement processes. 
PC 14 Be able to identify and apply construction services provisions and/or construction administration systems needed to fulfil all obligations appropriate to the procurement process in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
PC 16 Be able to apply risk management and mitigation strategies – including safety in design, project risk, requirement for resilience from the impacts of climate change and appropriate insurances – across architectural services.

Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
PC 37 Be able to produce timely, accurate, complete and comprehensible documentation of the design so that it can be constructed.
PC 39 Be able to integrate the material selection, structural and construction systems established in the conceptual design into the detailed design and documentation.
PC 41 Be able to coordinate and integrate input from specialists and consultants into the detailed design and documentation.
PC 46 Be able to produce project documentation that meets the requirements of the contract and procurement process and complies with regulatory controls, building standards and codes, and conditions of construction and planning approvals.
PC 47 Be able to complete and communicate on-time, accurate documents for relevant stakeholders, including drawings, models, specifications, schedules and construction documentation.

Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
PC 55 Be able to apply appropriate and consistent systems for record keeping, document control and revision status during the construction phase.
PC 56 . Be able to apply appropriate and consistent systems for identification of defects, rectifications and approval of substitutions.
PC 58 Complete documentation – including specifications, drawings, schedules, reports, certification and approvals – and other project information for issue to the client and relevant authorities, as required under the construction contract and relevant building and planning codes.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this presentation you should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an overall understanding of the Design and Building Act and Regulation 
2. Understand the process of registration for architects as Design Practitioners 
3. Understand the responsibilities of registered Design Practitioners 
4. Describe the powers of the Office of the Building Commissioner  
5. Identify current compliance issues as identified by the Office's auditing activities 



Laura Cockburn

Director, Conrad Gargett
NSW Chapter President, Australian Institute of Architects

Laura has a keen interest in the collaborative approach to design that underpins her work. She has significant experience in successfully leading teams from master planning and concept design through to contract documentation and construction on complex large projects in the Defence and Infrastructure sector. Many of Laura’s projects involve the compilation, dissemination and negotiation of complex client and user group requirements during the briefing stage and onwards through the life of the project. She achieves this whilst retaining balance and focus on achieving the best outcomes for all involved.



David Chandler OAM

NSW Building Commissioner
NSW Department of Customer Service

David Chandler, OAM was appointed NSW Building Commissioner in 2019 after an impressive forty year career in the Australian construction industry. In his capacity as NSW Building Commissioner David is improving the quality of construction and restoring trust in the industry through leading the delivery of Construct NSW, in collaboration with the sector. David was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 1989 for his services to the construction industry.



Matt Press

Executive Director Compliance and Dispute Resolution for Fair Trading and Safe Work
NSW Department of Customer Service

Matt Press is the Executive Director of Compliance and Dispute Resolution for SafeWork and Fair Trading, leading operational teams across NSW that ensure safety in workplaces and buildings. Matt has spent his career working in regulation for both regulators and regulated businesses across a range of sectors. Matt’s focus for the last 10 years has been building and construction, with his most recent role leading the Office of the NSW Building Commissioner.



Matt Whitton

Director Building & Construction Compliance
NSW Department of Customer Service

Matt Whitton a passionate and committed Director, Building & Construction Compliance within the Better Regulation Division and is responsible for coordinating NSW Fair Trading’s response to compliance issues within the building sector. Matt’s expertise is broad encompassing both customer service, compliance and investigation functions throughout his career in both the private and public sector. Matt has extensive experience as a government regulator particularly in the property and building sector. In 2018 Matt took carriage of the building sector to bring about awareness and increase compliance in the building industry. Matt is embracing the opportunity to be part of a dynamic group to deliver reforms and improve the quality of the built environment within the NSW building industry.



New South Wales Office of Fair Trading: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-property/changes-to-class-2-buildings                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Member: $99
Non-Member: $149

What Do I Do Next?

1. You will receive an automated registration email upon purchase. Follow the link in this email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
2. You may have to click the green "log in via members site"  button to log into the online CPD platform. (Please do not input your credentials into the CPD site. Instead, to log in hit the “log in via members site” green button). You may be redirected to our members portal to log in with your credentials there.
3. Accept the T&Cs if it is your first time on the online platform, and hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
4. Undertake your course at your own pace.
5. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete your assessment and feedback, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.
