Low Carbon Aluminium - On Demand CPD

Low Carbon Aluminium - On Demand CPD

Low Carbon Aluminium (On Demand)

1 Formal CPD Point
On Demand

Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance (MECLA) was established in 2021 and brings together leaders across industry and government supply chains to drive the reduction of embodied carbon in the building and construction industry. 

The group is pursuing Australia’s first low carbon and recycled aluminium commercial facade at large and small scale to send a market demand signal.

This one hour presentation is equivalent to 1 formal CPD point.



Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance (MECLA) was established in 2021 and brings together leaders across industry and government supply chains to drive the reduction of embodied carbon in the building and construction industry. 

The group is pursuing Australia’s first low carbon and recycled aluminium commercial facade at large and small scale to send a market demand signal.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course participants should be able to:

  • Explain how 'low carbon aluminium' is defined, including reference to renewable energy sources in the production cycle, as well as recycled content.
  • Understand how to obtain legitimate verification for low carbon aluminium products  
  • Explain the design, construction, and commercial attributes and benefits of specifying low carbon aluminium in your projects

NSCA 2021 Performance Criteria

This course will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects: 

PC 10 
Demonstrate understanding of the whole life carbon implications of procurement methods, materials, components and construction systems. 

PC 43
Be able to collaborate with nominated contractors early in the documentation process to identify key construction methodology opportunities and constraints.
PC 45 Be able to nominate and integrate quality and performance standards with regard to selected materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, considering the impact on Country
and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project. This includes integrating life cycle assessments and other expertise and advice from consultants.



Jeff is an architect and Principal at HASSELL, with over 20 years of extensive international and local experience.  He is currently working on the adaptive reuse of the Lands Building in Bridge Street, the First Building in Western Sydney’s Aerotropolis, and 110 Walker Street in North Sydney.  Jeff also chairs MECLA’s Aluminium Working Group bringing together all parts of the aluminium value chain to understand the challenges and opportunities for bringing about a low carbon future in Australia.



Non Members $74
Members $49

What Do I Do Next?

1.     You will receive an automated registration email upon purchase. Follow the link in this email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
2. Accept the T&Cs if it is your first time on the online platform, and hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
3. Undertake your course at your own pace.
4. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete a number of assessment questions, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.