Impact of Energy Efficiency & Condensation changes to NCC

Impact of Energy Efficiency & Condensation changes to NCC

Impact of Energy Efficiency & Condensation changes to NCC

Thursday, 9 December 2021
12:00pm-1:30pm (ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC)  I  11:30am-1:00pm (SA)  I  11:00am-12:30pm (QLD)  I  10:30am-12:00pm (NT)  I  9:00am-10:30am (WA)



NCC 2019 established the requirement for considering the effect of thermal bridging for commercial buildings. NCC 2022 proposes extending this requirement to residential buildings and we will present a high-level summary of these changes. We will discuss relevant research in Australia related to the performance of insulation and its impact on energy efficiency. The impact of changes in Section J for commercial buildings will be demonstrated by modelling building fabric calculations for building Classes 3 -9 including the roof and ceiling construction, roof lights, walls and glazing, and floors. Thermal bridging will be discussed, together with its impact on the total R-values for various building methods, as well as the use of thermal breaks and continuous insulation to mitigate thermal bridging. The impact of thermal bridging calculations on NATHERS ratings will be discussed, and comparison calculations for warm and cool climates demonstrated.

The relationship between better insulation and more air tight homes with respect to condensation has been recognised and the proposed NCC 2022 provisions aim to address this. We will look at the importance of a balanced approach as well as assessing traditional building methods and alternative solutions.

Panel Member

Ms Homeira Aryanpad 

National Technical Services Manager, Bondor Metecno Group 

Homeira Aryanpad is a Chartered Professional Engineer with a Civil Engineering degree from Adelaide University. She has over 25 years of experience as an engineer in the building industry mainly within the manufacturing field as well as consultancy - specifically in the design and construction of airports. 

Her main expertise lie in the engineering research, product development, technical solutions and advice, although she has various diverse projects under her belt, from developing websites, eCommerce solutions and engineering software as well as managing construction projects, process improvement and business integrations. 

Homeira is the National Technical Services Manager for the Bondor Metecno Group

Panel Member

Robert Romanous

ESD Manager, BCA Energy 

Robert has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Technology Sydney, with a Diploma in Engineering Practice and Cert IV in NatHERS Assessment. During his study and consultancy work, he has focused on the sustainable design, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings. 

Experience in thermal and energy modelling software, including IES VE, BERSpro and FirstRate5, combined with an understanding of building principles, allows Robert to provide his clients with practical design solutions. Due to the introduction of tighter thermal bridging restrictions into the NCC 2019 Section J, Robert and his team have been working with architects and Façade product manufacturers to streamline this transition across all building sectors. 

Robert is currently the ESD Manager at BCA Energy.


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