
NSW International Women's Day Breakfast

NSW International Women's Day Breakfast

International Women's Day Breakfast

Date: Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Time: 7.30am - 10.00am (AEDT)
Location: The Grand, Lvl 2, Beta Events, 238 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000


International Women’s Day is a global event commemorating the social, economic, cultural, and political triumphs of women. It is also a day to show your support for promoting gender equality for a better society. 

This year, the NSW Chapter celebrates International Women’s Day with the theme of “Being Visible,” a concept that is of paramount significance to tackle gender inequality, as all individuals deserve to be seen and heard.

Over a sit-down champagne breakfast, we have a presentation from the 2022 Marion Mahony Griffin prize winner Rachel Neeson, director of Neeson Murcutt + Neille followed by a Q & A discussion with the audience, Rachel Neeson and Shannon Battisson, National President and director of The Mill: Architecture + Design.

The recipient of the Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize will also be announced at the breakfast.

This is a valuable opportunity to network with your female colleagues. Please join us at Beta Events on Wednesday, 8 March, and show your support to finding the answer to a gender-equal world. 



Rachel Neeson, LFRAIA
2022 Marion Mahony Griffin Prize Winner

Rachel is a remarkable architect. Through her practice she has transformed the way a generation practices architecture, encouraging us to be curious, sensitive, playful, collaborative, and most importantly, brave enough to challenge the status quo.

While Rachel’s body of work is well known and rightly celebrated in its own right, it is her gendered experience of the world that distinguishes her personal approach to her craft. Her exceptional work has opened doors for a generation of women, swaying the perception of female architects in the profession.

Her contributions to the profession have been rich and varied, raising the profile of architecture through publications, panels, awards, competitions and exhibitions. Rachel has used her roles on juries, design advisory panels and in the media to set high standards and influence design outcomes that enhance both the profession and the communities we serve. Her work in mainstream media has also served to make architecture more visible and demonstrate its worth to a wider audience.

As a founding female business owner, Rachel stands apart as one who has genuinely influenced the direction of our profession.

As Marian Wright Edelman said: “You can’t be what you can’t see”.

Thank you, Rachel, for being visible and setting a high standard for us to follow.

Shannon Battisson

Director of architecture at The Mill: Architecture + Design
National President, Australian Institute of Architects 

Shannon is an architect with more than 15 years of experience in the profession and a dedicated supporter of architecture in Canberra. Graduating from the University of New South Wales, Shannon returned to Canberra to commence work with a small design and construct company with a strong environmental focus.  Those early years of work taught her a great respect for the environment, an ethos of people centric design, and above all else a passion for the sacredness of home.  Dedicated to working towards a world where all people have access to the essential elements of home (safety, comfort, and retreat) Shannon works hard to ensure these spaces are also climate responsive, affordable and joyful spaces to live in.

Shannon has carried out roles as Juror for the Australian Institute of Architects ACT Chapter Awards, the Housing Institute of Australia ACT and Southern Region Awards, and the Housing Institute of Australia National Awards program.  Shannon sits on the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) ACT Chapter Council, the AIA National Council, the AIA Griffin Lecture Committee, and is the current National President (Elect) for the Australian Institute of Architects. Shannon is also a Director on the AIA Board.

Shannon is a dedicated contributor to her profession and regularly volunteers her time to ensure the benefits of good architecture are a valued part of the conversation of our cities.  She enjoys public speaking, writing for varied publications, architectural photography and contributing to events big or small that put good design into the hands of everyone.  Shannon is a passionate supporter of modernist architecture and works vigorously to share Canberra’s rich modernist architectural legacy with the public.


Member: $119
Non-member: $149 

Ticket includes continental breakfast items on arrival, plated breakfast, champagne, rainbow of juices, sparkling water and freshly brewed coffee. 


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