Lost Knowledge: Learning from and designing with Country

Lost Knowledge: Learning from and designing with Country

Lost Knowledge: Learning from and designing with Country
Newcastle Regional CPD

3 Formal CPD points
This is an in-person event only. Please book to secure your place and ensure you can attend on the day.

Date: Friday, 28 April 2023
Time: 11.30am - 3.30pm (AEST)
Location: Merewether Surfhouse, 5 Henderson Parade, Merewether NSW 2291


This course will explore different ways architects and consultants from both first nations and non- first nation background are engaging with and designing for Country as a part of their architectural and design process. The event will touch upon different ways of engaging with communities and knowledge building to inform a new design brief, program and built work. Designing with and for country is an approach which informs the design process from early project planning, concept and detailed design through to project delivery.

This CPD event provides architects with the opportunity to develop their competency in understanding and respecting Country along with Sustainable Design Practice. The NSW ARB mandates that all architects complete at least one formal CPD point in this topic each year to satisfy their registration requirements.

Image: North Head Viewing Platforms | Car -rang gel (Manly NSW) | CHROFI


Andrew Smith
CEO Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council 

Andrew Smith, a proud Wannaruah, Anaiwan Aboriginal man, has been working as a Chief Executive Officer at Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council for 19 years. Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council is part of the Membership Organizations industry, and located in Australia. Balancing the diversity of traditions & culture ‘versus’ enterprise & commercial development, he successfully oversees a portfolio of business units that are independently sustainable and return a social and economic benefit to his community through training, development and employment outcomes. One in particular being Sand Dune Adventures; a large player in the tourism industry of Port Stephens.

Leroy Wilkinson-Maher 
Founder and Managing Director of Dhiira
Leroy is a Worimi and Ngarrindjeri man born in Taree, regional New South Wales.  Having spent the majority of his life in Newcastle, New South Wales, he is a young Aboriginal leader that has a passion for innovation and positive change. With a background in Banking and Finance, Leroy has had a successful Executive Leadership career in the Aboriginal Not-For-Profit Employment sector and is the Founder and Managing Director of Dhiira Pty Ltd, an Aboriginal Consultancy Business focusing on bringing true inclusion into business through Culture.

Kaylie Salvatori
Director | Indigenous Design Strategist of COLA Studio

A Saltwater Budawang (Yuin) Woman, Kaylie is a landscape architect, Indigenous design strategist, educator, researcher and artist. Specialising in Indigenous design collaboration, Kaylie’s work centres Country as design generator and driver, asserting the right and need for Traditional Owners and Indigenous knowledge holders to hold power in the design process. 

Kaylie works in public, community and private spaces, emphasising the importance of (re)connecting to the systems, plants and animals that support the health of Country and therefore communities. Kaylie’s work is driven by her cultural heritage, as she works to reconnect herself with Country, Indigenous knowledge and community through her design processes.

Luke Hannaford
Architect at CHROFI

CHROFI, founded in 2000 following the win of an international design competition is an internationally recognised and awarded Architectural firm practising in Sydney (on Gayemagal Land). Luke Hannaford was the Project Architect for the North Head Viewing Platforms project in Car-rang-gel (Manly, NSW) working alongside director Steven Figuera. CHROFI approached the project with no expectations, engaging consciously with the traditional owners of the land (D'harawal peoples and Bangawarra) to achieve a design which connects with Country. Connecting with Country was central to the design from the outset, ensuring that the lookouts acknowledge and connect with the history, stories and place that is called Car-rang gel. Driven by this approach, the lookouts are designed to merge comfortably with the landscape by expressing the durable and earthy materiality of the surrounding sandstone and vegetation.


Jo Paterson Kinniburgh and Shannon Foster
Bangawarra is a legal partnership between D’harawal eora Knowledge Keeper and Sydney Registered Traditional Owner Shannon Foster and Wugulora architecture academic and spatial practitioner Jo Paterson Kinniburgh. The team specialises in the spatial implications of sustainably caring for Country.


Member: $249
Non-member: $299


This course will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects:

PC 3 Apply principles of project planning, considering implications for Country, environmental sustainability, communities, stakeholders and project costs.
PC 8 Be able to implement culturally responsive and meaningful engagement processes that respect the importance of Country and reciprocal relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across architectural services. 
PC 15 Comply with legal and ethical obligations relating to legislated requirements in relation to copyright, moral rights, authorship of cultural knowledge and intellectual property requirements across architectural services.

PC 17 Have an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples aspirations to care for Country and how these inform architectural design. 
PC 27 Understand how to embed the knowledge, worldviews and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, shared through engagement processes, into the conceptual design in a meaningful, respectful and appropriate way.
PC 34 Communicate conceptual design proposals and associated information to client, stakeholders and communities using appropriate and culturally responsive methods appropriate to different audiences. 

PC 36 Be able to apply creative imagination, design precedents, emergent knowledge, critical evaluation and continued engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to produce a coherent project design. This should be resolved in terms of supporting health and wellbeing outcomes for Country, site planning, formal composition, spatial planning and circulation as appropriate to the project brief and all other factors affecting the project.
PC 45 Be able to nominate and integrate quality and performance standards with regard to selected materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, considering the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project. This includes integrating life cycle assessments and other expertise and advice from consultants. 

PC 50 Be able to continue engagement with relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples throughout all stages of the project and its delivery in a meaningful, respectful and appropriate way.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session participants should be able to:

  1. Appraise and understand the importance of respectfully working on Country within your architectural practice
  2. Establish contact with Traditional Custodians in a culturally respectful manner
  3. Discuss how to engage Indigenous collaborators in your design practice
  4. Explore methods of discourse to bring your client along on the journey of designing on Country
  5. Explore through case studies ways in which designing for country impacts the design process and built outcome.
  6. Understand the inextricable connection between design for country and sustainable design
  7. Examine how the built environment impacts sustainability, country and biodiversity


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