
COLORBOND® Steel – Studio Sculpture Challenge

COLORBOND® Steel – Studio Sculpture Challenge


COLORBOND® steel now offers over 200 colours for specification through our online portal that was released December 2020.  In our presentation, there will firstly be a live demonstration of the studio to highlight its function and capabilities.  There will also be a focus on how these new hues benefit from COLORBOND® steel’s innovative testing, technology and warranties. 

The second part of our workshop celebrates our successful virtual launch of the COLORBOND® steel studio with an immersive activation that enables tactile exposure to the additional colours via paper samples.


Upon completion, participants will be able to demonstrate general understanding of the following:

  • Competent use of the COLORBOND® steel studio platform, browse library, use Match A Colour function, register an account and order samples;
  • Comprehension of COLORBOND® steel’s testing conditions, innovative technology, sustainable development, warranties and local support;
  • Construction of a stabile as inspired by iconic sculptural artist, Alexander Calder, using COLORBOND® steel paper samples.

Instructions: Pre-workshop

  1. At least two weeks before our confirmed workshop, login https://colorbondstudio.com/ and register account and sign in.
  2. Comprehensive instructions will be sent with the event confirmation once you have registered for this event.
  3. This will be a fun and interactive workshop and presentation.
  4. Prizes - 1st $400 Stonehouse Voucher  2nd $200 Stonehouse Voucher 3rd $100 Stonehouse Voucher
