Regional Refuel CPD: Designing for Mental Health

Regional Refuel CPD: Designing for Mental Health

Regional Refuel CPD: Designing for mental health

29 May 2023

12pm - 1pm


Region: All/Webinar
Provider: Altro


This presentation is aimed to educate and aid specifiers and designers on mental health and safety issues faced when designing buildings. The focus in this presentation is how we can use best practice design principles to make every project the best experience for each user from a mental health perspective We detail key principles set out in the current Australian Health Facility Guidelines so you can meet and exceed these expectations when designing acute mental health facilities.


Altro provides one formal CPD point following attendance to this seminar and submission of relevant course material.

Some of the topics covered include: 

- The state of mental health in Australia 
- Design principles that promote best practice 
- How to use these principles to make workplaces more mentally healthy 
- Key design principles in the Australian Health Facility Guidelines 
- How to use these principles for acute mental health facility design 


Jacki MacCullagh


Members Complimentary
Non-Members $20


Taubmans PPG is the Premier Partner of the Queensland Chapter CPD Program


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