
Presentation to Juries - 2024 Victorian Architecture Awards

Presentation to Juries - 2024 Victorian Architecture Awards

Presentation to Juries - 2024 Victorian Architecture Awards

Saturday 23 March 2024  8:30am -6:30pm
Building 100 (Design Hub) - RMIT University  (map)
150 Victoria St, Carlton VIC 3000

Presentation to Juries is free and open to all. No ticket is required.

Main Timetable for Saturday, 23 March
Spillover Timetable for Monday, 25 March


The Australian Institute of Architects Presentation to Juries offers contenders in the 2024 Victorian Architecture Awards the opportunity to present their nominated projects to jurors as well as the public. Judging will span 15 categories on the day, and address eight specific criteria followed by a short Q&A. 

Featuring some of Australia’s most prominent architects, Presentation to Juries is a rare opportunity for the general public to learn about the influences and intentions behind some of Victoria’s most innovative buildings and follow the architectural process from concept to construction. Saturday’s main presentation day will take place at RMIT Design Hub, 150 Victoria Street, Carlton.

Attendees will also be able to view the Exhibition of Entries at RMIT Design Hub. Project boards will be displayed by category and provide a striking overview of this year's field of entries.

This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of RMIT, School of Architecture & Urban Design our Awards partner and official host of the 2024 Exhibition of Entries and Presentation to Juries.
