
PALS Refresher: Ethics and Moral Rights

PALS Refresher: Ethics and Moral Rights

PALS Refresher: Ethics and Moral Rights

Available On Demand


Ethics and ethical practices interact with everything the architect does—from the seemingly trivial through to the seriously life threatening.
Moral rights are also incredibly important for the architect—in terms of respecting the work of others as well as protecting your own work, and for providing a meaningful and valuable built environment legacy for future generations.



This presentation is equivalent to 1 hour/point of formal CPD and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects:

    2015 Competencies:

    Design: Project Briefing

    1.1 Knowledge and implementation of appropriate practice model to ensure efficient, effective and ethical professional service

    Practice Management:
    9.5 Knowledge of the legal and ethical obligations relating to copyright and intellectual property requirements
    9.6 Knowledge and application of professional ethics and ethical practices in respect to practice management and provision of professional service

    2021 Competencies:

    Practice Management and Professional Conduct:

    PC 2 Implement practice resources and apply ethical employment practice methods and quality assurance systems to facilitate efficient, consistent and timely delivery of architectural services. 
    PC 5 Be able to apply essential elements of a client architect agreement across the range of procurement methods in relation to their appropriateness to the scale and type of the project, including alternatives for partial services and the engagement of secondary and sub-consultants. 
    PC 15 Comply with legal and ethical obligations relating to legislated requirements in relation to copyright, moral rights, authorship of cultural knowledge and intellectual property requirements across architectural services. 


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this presentation you should be able to:

  1. Understand the moral and ethical obligations of the practitioner in a range of practice interactions and other professional activities
  2. Understand and apply ethical actions for tendering activities
  3. Understand the copyright and moral rights protections and obligations that are relevant to the practice of architecture


Melonie Bayl-Smith

Director, Bijl Architecture

Melonie is director and nominated architect of Bijl Architecture, an award-winning small practice based in Sydney. Beyond practice, Melonie is well known for her long-term and ongoing involvement in architectural education, professional standards and the registration of architects, contributing to her appointment in 2017 as the AACA NSW State Convenor. In parallel to this, Melonie is presently serving her second term (2019-20) as an Elected Member of the NSW Architects Registration Board.
Melonie is presently Co-Chair of the National Committee for Gender Equity and has previously served as an elected NSW Chapter Councillor and on numerous committees addressing issues such as tertiary and continuing education, professional practice, heritage, and advocacy. In 2018 Melonie was named a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects, and at the National Achievement Awards in Architecture was awarded the 2018 Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize.



NSW Architects Code of Professional Conduct

Tenders – calling

Tenders – receiving and selecting

AS 4120-1994 Code of tendering

AS 4121-1994 Code of ethics and procedures for the selection of consultants

Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 (Cth)

Moral rights

Architects and copyright

Larcos, C. (2019) Copyright infringement

Australian Copyright Council (2019) House Plans & Copright

Cheatley, J. (2016) Architecture, Building Design & Copyright, Australian Copyright Council

Bampton, M. (2017) Architects and Intellectual Property: protecting your building plans and designs, NSW Architects Registration Board 


Member: $49
Non-Member: $74
Student: $19


What Do I Do Next?

1. You will receive an automated registration email upon purchase. Follow the link in this email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
2. You may have to click the green "log in via members site"  button to log into the online CPD platform. (Please do not input your credentials into the CPD site. Instead, to log in hit the “log in via members site” green button). You may be redirected to our members portal to log in with your credentials there.
3. Accept the T&Cs if it is your first time on the online platform, and hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
4. Undertake your course at your own pace.
5. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete your assessment and feedback, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.
