Heritage HIIT 02: Assessing and managing significance

Heritage HIIT 02: Assessing and managing significance
Architect and senior heritage consultant Suzanne Zahra will walk attendees through the what, when and how to of Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Impact Assessment/Statement of Heritage Effects, and the appeal process. Attendees will then move into their nominated break out group for expert-led discussions focusing on the legislative, regulatory and policy landscapes specific to state/territory jurisdictions.

Heritage HIIT Session 02: Assessing and managing significance

Available On Demand
2 Formal CPD Points

This course forms one part of a four-session Heritage High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Series. Each session in this heritage bootcamp comprises a two-hour live presentation equivalent to 2 formal CPD points, and can be purchased individually.

We are also currently offering the complete Heritage HIIT Series as a single bundle. Available now to purchase at a discounted rate, this bundle includes access to all four Heritage HIIT sessions amounting to eight hours of expert presentation content, equivalent to 8 formal CPD points.

Follow these links to secure your bundle and and individual session enrolments:

Heritage HIIT Series: Complete Bundle Offer

Heritage HIIT 01: Why protect Australia's cultural heritage?
Heritage HIIT 02: Assessing and managing significance
Heritage HIIT 03: Conservation in action - traditional materials and trades
Heritage HIIT 04: Showcasing heritage - design case studies



Architect and senior heritage consultant Suzanne Zahra will walk attendees through the what, when and how to of Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Impact Assessment/Statement of Heritage Effects, and the appeal process. Attendees will then move into their nominated break out group for expert-led discussions focusing on the legislative, regulatory and policy landscapes specific to state/territory jurisdictions.

This session is Chaired by Eric Martin and our experienced practitioners from each State and Territory includes Ruth Woods, Matt Devine, Katrina Keller, Roger Beeston, Paul Johnston, Michael Queale, Adelyn Siew, and Michael Wells. In addition, we are joined by Charles Rowe, Louise Cox and John Byleveld to facilitate.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course participants should be able to:

  • Articulate when and why a conservation management plan is necessary 
  • Understand the process of preparing, and interpreting Statements of Significance 
  • Understand the relationship between a Statement of Significance and assessing the heritage impacts of proposed works 
  • Process for preparing statements of evidence and identifying who has capability to act as an expert witness
  • Describe national and state-specific legislation and processes  

NSCA 2015 Performance Criteria

Our Heritage HIIT Series course will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2015 National Standard of Competency for Architects:

1.2 Establishment, analysis and evaluation of client project requirements and objectives..

2.1 Identification, analysis and integration of information relevant to siting of project.
2.2 Application of principles controlling planning, development and design for the project site.

3.3 Design response incorporates assessment of the physical location and relevant wider regional, contextual and environmental issues. 
3.4 Design response incorporates assessment of relevant legislation, codes and industry standards.

4.1 Evaluation of design options in relation to project requirements.
4.2 Evaluation of design options against values of physical, environmental and cultural contexts.
4.6 Investigation and integration of appropriate material selection for the project design.
4.4 Inclusion of expertise of relevant specialists and consultants in developing the project design.


NSCA 2021 Performance Criteria

Our Heritage HIIT Series will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects:

Be able to implement culturally responsive and meaningful engagement processes that respect the importance of Country and reciprocal relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across architectural services.
Provide independent, culturally responsive and objective advice in accordance with relevant building codes, standards, technical specifications and guidelines, and planning regulations, including climate change implications, across all aspects of architectural practice.

Be able to identify, analyse and evaluate client project requirements and objectives using qualitative and quantitative methods and, where required by the terms of engagement, to assist cost estimators in determining project feasibility/viability.
Be able to draw on knowledge from the history and theory of architecture as part of preliminary design research and when developing the conceptual design.
Be able to undertake site, cultural and contextual analysis as part of preliminary design research.
Understand how to embed the knowledge, worldviews and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, shared through engagement processes, into the conceptual design in a meaningful, respectful and appropriate way.
Be able to develop and evaluate design options in terms of the heritage, cultural and community values embodied in the site, and in relation to project requirements.

Be able to prepare planning applications that comply with planning regulations.




Eric is the principal of Eric Martin and Associates. He has more than 45 year's experience as a professional architect in the private and public sectors. He has extensive experience in managing a wide range of projects.  Eric has developed a national and international reputation for this work in the areas of accessibility and heritage buildings. 

Eric is a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects and is currently a Member of the Australian Institute of Architects National Enabling Architecture Committee, the Institute's National Practice Committee, is the Institute's deputy on the UIA Region IV International Committees on Access and Heritage and the Institute's representative on the Australian Building Codes Committee.




Architect, senior heritage consultant and Lovell Chen associate principal Suzanne Zahra works on the adaptive reuse and/or refurbishment of large scale heritage complexes, including university campuses such as ANU. Central to her work is the assessment of the scope for adaptation, particularly for post-War structures. Her combined experience in architecture and heritage gives her in-depth understanding of the issuing relating to ongoing use and helps in the development of heritage management strategies. Recently, she has been working on the heritage aspects of major infrastructure projects in Melbourne.

Breakout Facilitators and Experts


In the second portion of this week's session, we will be facilitating breakout groups to focus in on the specific jurisdictional regulatory contexts affecting heritage conservation works in each state and territory across Australia. We have assembled a number of fantastic session facilitators and experts to take you through the frameworks and controls at play in your part of the country.

ACT: Katrina Keller 
QLD: Ruth Woods and Charles Rowe
NSW: Matt Devine and Louise Cox
SA: Michael Queale and Nicolette Di Lernia 
NT: Michael Wells
VIC: Roger Beeston
TAS: Paul Johnston
WA: Adelyn Siew


Non Members $149
Members $99
Graduate Members $70
SONA Members $19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


What Do I Do Next?

1.     You will receive an automated registration email upon purchase. Follow the link in this email to take you to the course material on our online CPD platform.
2. You may have to click the green "log in via members site"  button to log into the online CPD platform. (Please do not input your credentials into the CPD site. Instead, to log in hit the “log in via members site” green button). You may be redirected to our members portal to log in with your credentials there.
3. Accept the T&Cs if it is your first time on the online platform, and hit “my dashboard” to find your purchased course.
4. Undertake your course at your own pace.
5. Once you have completed all the course material, you will be prompted to complete your assessment and feedback, after which your formal CPD certificate will be made available.

25/05/2023 - 25/05/2026

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