
Learning from LaCrosse

Learning from LaCrosse

Learning from LaCrosse

Available On-Demand
1 Formal CPD Point



In this presentation Lachlan Ingram, Senior Associate at Holding Redlich, Melbourne will address the legal implications for architects coming out of the Lacrosse judgement and the legacy of its use in Australia. -Please note this is a recorded session - information was correct at time of filming. This session provides general advice only, it is expected that participants will research and identify their own solutions based on -individual circumstances. This session was conducted as part of a whole day CPD run by the Victorian Chapter on the Practice of Architecture. Other courses conducted on this day included:

Writing a Brief (1 Formal CPD Point)
Design: Access as a Standard Practice (1 Formal CPD point)
DeMystifying Performance Based Solutions and Section J (1 Formal CPD point)

For Further Information please refer to the following Acumen Notes*:
Liability for Manufactured Products
*Acumen is an included member benefit 


NSCA 2015 Performance Criteria

This event will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2015 National Standard of Competency for Architects:  

5. Documentation: Detailed Design
5.3 Evaluation and integration of regulatory requirements.
5.5 Integration of materials and components based upon an understanding of their physical properties.

7. Project Delivery: Procurement
7.4 Selection of procurement method incorporates assessment of the impact on selection, contracting and scope of work of consultants and specialist service providers.

9. Practice Management
9.7 Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements and obligations in regard to architectural practice, practice management and registration as an architect


NSCA 2021 Performance Criteria

This event will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects:  

Practice Management and Professional Conduct
PC 1
Comply with the regulatory requirements and obligations pertaining to practice as an architect, including legislation, professional codes of conduct, obligations for continuing professional development and professional indemnity insurance.
PC 9
Be able to apply contemporary and emerging building procurement methods. This involves identifying the most appropriate form of delivery for a project, including risks, mitigation and adaptation strategies, and integrating appropriate construction contracts and consultancy contracts and/or agreements.

Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
PC 32
Be able to apply planning principles and statutory planning requirements to the site and conceptual design of the project. 

Detailed and Construction Documentation
PC 39
Be able to integrate the material selection, structural and construction systems established in the conceptual design into the detailed design and documentation. 
PC 45 Be able to nominate and integrate quality and performance standards with regard to selected materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, considering the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project. This includes integrating life cycle assessments and other expertise and advice from consultants.
PC 46 Be able to produce project documentation that meets the requirements of the contract and procurement process and complies with regulatory controls, building standards and codes, and conditions of construction and planning approvals


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session participants should be able to:

  • Identify opportunities for architects to take pro-active leadership in delivering enhanced design outcomes and smoother compliance processes
  • Understand the benefits, challenges, and potential pitfalls of the performance based design brief (PBDB) process


Lachlan Ingram

Holding Redlich

Lachlan is a Special Counsel in the Construction and Infrastructure Group at national law firm Holding Redlich. An experienced commercial lawyer, Lachlan specialises in construction law with a particular focus on litigation and dispute resolution.
Lachlan acts for all categories of building professionals, contractors and owners in disputes ranging from domestic building disputes to the arbitration of multi-billion dollar infrastructure projects. 

Lachlan’s experience includes:

- acting in a team on behalf of an international JV head contractor in dispute with its principal, in a significant international arbitration relating to construction of an LNG plant off the coast of Western Australia
- acting in a team in a significant domestic arbitration on behalf of the owner and operator of an electricity interconnector regarding its construction and operation
- regularly acting for architects, draftspersons, building surveyors and engineers in building disputes in negligence, contractual and ACL claims in VCAT
- acting for Owners Corporations in building disputes in VCAT, particularly in relation to water ingress and fire safety issues
- regularly acting for local councils and water authorities in property damage, negligence and Water Act claims in the Supreme Court, County Court and VCAT.

Lachlan also has significant commercial litigation experience acting for parties in general contractual, property, leasing, and franchising disputes in all Victorian and key Federal jurisdictions.



Michael Adams FRAIA

Michael Adams FRAIA

Michael Adams is an accomplished executive level architect having worked within major national architectural practices at a leadership level for over 40 years.  
Experienced and skilled in defining and implementing project management techniques in the delivery of multidisciplinary design documentation for major complex capital works.
Michael has an established track record in the roles of Project Director, Design Manager/Principal Consultant and Leader of Multi-Disciplinary Design teams for major complex private, public, and institutional capital works bringing a mature, energetic, hands-on, and assured approach to project delivery from inception to completion.

As a member of the Insitute's Education Committee (Vic Chapter) Michael has been following and commenting on the significant impending Construction sector reforms foreshadowed in the 2018 Building Confidence Report. The Report has recommended significant changes to the education, training, and registration of all building design practitioners. Michael is currently preparing a response to the Victorian Government’s consultation document, Framework For Reform – Modernising Victoria’s Building System.




Members: $49
Non-Members: $74
